Did You Get Laid Off or Furloughed? We're Giving Away Our Services & Guides

May 8th update: Hello! We have drawn our winners for the Punch Today in the Face Giveaway but will be back with additional giveaways in coming weeks — If you’d like to be alerted, be sure and join our mailing list (sign up on the home page!) Thank you for being here. We hope to be able to support you soon.

Today’s post is expressly for anyone having a day, week, month or entire freaking 2020 that you want to punch square in the face.

More specifically, it’s an offer for those of you who have been laid off or indefinitely furloughed due to #COVID-19, or those experiencing an extended period of unemployment due to the global pandemic.

We’re giving away help

I’d like to claim that the initial idea for what you’re about to read was mine. But the seed of this plan actually came from an incredibly generous client of ours, who landed a job a few weeks ago — before he had used all of the services he’d purchased.

His name is Kevin. And the other day, I opened this email from him:

I want to anonymously pay for the coffee for the person behind me in the drive-thru; but instead of them getting a hot cup of Joe, I want to give someone(s) in need a new resume, cover letter and consultation. 

I believe that personal success never occurs in a vacuum; it is fostered by the achievements of those who surround us.

In other words, Kevin was writing to tell me he wants to GIVE AWAY the resume overhaul, cover letter and 60-minute consult services he purchased but no longer needs, with the stipulation that it goes to someone with genuine need. That’s more than $1,000 worth of Joe.

Yes, I got a bit teary. You guys…

After I got done thanking the universe for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with so many incredible, caring people, I thought to myself…

Why stop there? Let’s give away even more.

So, here’s what we are giving away:

In total, it’s $2,623 in services and resources that we hope will give you a nudge (or a heartfelt shove) in the right direction as you work through this most unexpected situation.

How to enter:

If you are laid off, unemployed or indefinitely furloughed (working on the honor system here, folks), and interested in getting our help, here’s how to enter:

  1. Email us at info@jobjenny.com, with subject line: Punch Today in the Face Giveaway - Please note, we will be unable to review entries that come in through LinkedIn InMail or other social media platforms.

  2. Share a BRIEF overview of your situation (3-5 sentences will be great)

  3. Let us know YES or NO on sharing a bit of your story (we can do so anonymously if you prefer)

  4. Tell us if there are any resources listed above that you would not benefit from (in this case, we’ll pass them on to someone who can)

We will be drawing names (randomly) on Friday, 5/8 at 12 noon Pacific Time and notifying winners between 5/8-5/10.

So, if you need some help? Allow us to serve you.

(And, big thanks to you, Kevin!)


Jenny Foss1 Comment